Monday, June 14, 2010

Days 5-6

God answered our prayers and everyone who was sick was healed quickly. Thanks for praying.

On Day 5 we had even more kids for VBS (We ended up averaging around 600+). The theme was "Sons and Daughters of the King." We wanted to instill in the children that there are no orphans in God's family. They are in the family of God and have incredible worth.

For the craft we had 450 Burger King crowns donated plus we had stickers for the kids to decorate them. It was pretty cool helping the children with the craft and actually crowning each one (We have seen kids throughout the past few days still wearing their crowns). It was a special experience.

Allen and Amos did a great job on the instuments and we all sang songs with the kids. They all really loved this part of the VBS.

Tamara played the character "Princess Sophia" and taught the kids John 1:12. The kids really liked her character and some have called her Princess Sophia ever since.

Karen taught this day and did a great job. We started with a skit about the disciples stopping the children from coming to Jesus but Jesus rebuking them. I took 5 kids from the audience and when Jesus came past the disciples the kids gave Dave (Who was playing Jesus) a big hug. It was a memorable experience for him.

On Day 6 the theme of VBS was "Love." Josh shared his testimony with the kids this day and did a great job. Allen and Amos played the music again and we all sang with the actions.

Tamara taught on love. She did a great job of keeping the kids attention by getting them to do things like "touch your neighbors arm and tell them they are special." I think some of the kids still thought she was Princess Sophia as well. The lesson went very well.

Chad then came out and taught a memory verse on love with the character Scuba Steve. He came out with big flippers and mask and snorkel. The kids thought it was great.

After the memory verse we had everyone from our team go to a different part of the tent and told the kids we wanted to pray a blessing over their lives. I really enjoying laying my hands on over 50 kids myself and blessing their lives in Jesus' name. It was a very special experience and a highlight for many.

1 comment:

Messenger International said...

We love hearing what God is doing! Thanks for taking the time to share. We're honored to be serving alongside you!

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