Wednesday, June 23, 2010

What makes me so Special??

In reflection to my time in Haiti, the same question keeps coming to mind. Why am I so special? I knew that pretty much every Haitian I saw would trade places with me in a second. Why do I get to be well fed while others starve? Why do I get to have a life expectancy of over 80 years, while those in Haiti can only expect 49 years? Why do I get to use flush toilets, and they have to use outhouses, or worse yet crap in their hands. Why do I get to experience air conditioning whenever I am hot, while all they have to protect them from the sun is a blue tarp? Why do I get to have fun on the roof when it pours rain, while they have their tent dwellings flooded? Why am I so special? Does it not say in the Word of God that He is no respecter of persons? That means God doesn’t see me as more special as any of the Haitian, American, Brazilian, Cuban, etc. I know I am special, but they are too. Why do I get all these comforts and they get next to none?

I understand that the world would not be able to support the whole world living at the “North American standard.” There are just not enough resources. That means we are hogging them. That means that we are living at such a high commodity level that there is none left for others. It got me thinking, am I willing to become more uncomfortable so that others can be more comfortable? I know that I have gone to Haiti 5 times and have been willing to be without some commodities for a short time, but it is always with the knowledge that I am going back to Canada in a week or two. Am I willing to become inconvenienced permanently so others can be comforted? Or am I too selfish? I understand that aid poured in after the earthquake to help restore Haiti, but that aid has slowed to a trickle. Why is that? Is it because I am willing to give some out of my excess, but I’m not willing to become inconvenienced? Once it actually becomes a sacrifice I stop giving, am I too selfish? I’m not trying to guilt trip anyone; I am just asking the questions that fill my head.

If I actually want to make a difference and live with less so that others can have some, how do I do that? I don’t know. What I am going to do is treat the person in front of me better than myself. I am going to put myself into situations where people need help and I will help them. I know the Holy Spirit lives inside of me and therefore help is available in every situation I come across. I am going to live my life allowing God’s love to flow through me. God said a big part of this was caring for the widows and orphans so I will make sure I am looking out for those who it seems no one else is.

Maybe we all are given different gifts and in order to not be impoverished we need to share with each other. Maybe people who are materially poor are rich in other areas, and those who are materially rich are poor in other areas. Maybe we all need each other. Maybe if we all give what we have been given we will all be rich. And maybe the more we try to keep what we have been given for ourselves, the more impoverished we will be. I have found in my life that it is impossible to out give God. Whenever I give something, I find I receive more back than what I gave. Why am I so special? Why do I get to be one who is materially wealthy? I dunno. But I do know that every time I go to Haiti, which is considered a “poor” country, they give me more than I could ever give them. Haiti is not a poor country. They just don’t have alot of money. I think we should all share the gifts we have been given, so that we can all be blessed.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Day 8 and 9

I am quite exhausted from the trip so if the blog is short, sorry. On Day 8 and 9 we did a basketball camp with the guys again. They always really appreciate the teaching and obviously want to learn. This is the 5th year in running and they are getting better and the ministry is becoming stronger. We always share with them our love for Jesus and show it through our actions. After the camp was over we served them a feast back at the Haiti Arise compound. We had a really great time together.

One of the players brought his little girl who was really quite sick. Tamara and Karen nursed her and she was noticably better after 2 hours of being cared for by those girls. It was really special to see.

I thank God everything went well and learned a valuable lesson along the way. The whole time in Haiti I didn't take time alone to read the Word and spend time by myself with God. I learnt that this is the recipe for burnout. I was quite cranky the last two days and I'm glad my team was so gracious with me. Lesson learned. It is just like a man who is cutting trees. If he spends all his time cutting he will start out well, but things will just get harder and harder. Time needs to be spent sharpening the axe. Eventually if the axe is never sharpened you will spend all your time working really hard for barely any profit. More work and more quality work will be done when time is spent in rest sharpening your axe.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Day 7

Today was the first day of our 3 day basketball clinic. We were out in the hot sun from about 8am - 11am. It was good to connect again with the basketball guys and build on the relationships we have with them.

After the basketball we came back to the compound and got to work bagging rice. We distributed enough rice for about 500 families to eat for 3-4 days from what I understand. It is a real blessing to the community when we do this. Thank you to everyone who came to my mom's fundraiser. Your donations went to this rice distribution. Thank you.

We went on a walk after all that and had a good time interacting with the community and even seeing the market for awhile. Tamara saw some white people and then started yelling "Blanc, Blanc, Blanc." It was quite funny and we all laughed because that is what the kids always say when they see white people.

We are all doing well and could quite easily stay longer, but will be out of Haiti on Thursday. This feels quite soon as we have built many relationships and will be sad to say good-bye.

Days 5-6

God answered our prayers and everyone who was sick was healed quickly. Thanks for praying.

On Day 5 we had even more kids for VBS (We ended up averaging around 600+). The theme was "Sons and Daughters of the King." We wanted to instill in the children that there are no orphans in God's family. They are in the family of God and have incredible worth.

For the craft we had 450 Burger King crowns donated plus we had stickers for the kids to decorate them. It was pretty cool helping the children with the craft and actually crowning each one (We have seen kids throughout the past few days still wearing their crowns). It was a special experience.

Allen and Amos did a great job on the instuments and we all sang songs with the kids. They all really loved this part of the VBS.

Tamara played the character "Princess Sophia" and taught the kids John 1:12. The kids really liked her character and some have called her Princess Sophia ever since.

Karen taught this day and did a great job. We started with a skit about the disciples stopping the children from coming to Jesus but Jesus rebuking them. I took 5 kids from the audience and when Jesus came past the disciples the kids gave Dave (Who was playing Jesus) a big hug. It was a memorable experience for him.

On Day 6 the theme of VBS was "Love." Josh shared his testimony with the kids this day and did a great job. Allen and Amos played the music again and we all sang with the actions.

Tamara taught on love. She did a great job of keeping the kids attention by getting them to do things like "touch your neighbors arm and tell them they are special." I think some of the kids still thought she was Princess Sophia as well. The lesson went very well.

Chad then came out and taught a memory verse on love with the character Scuba Steve. He came out with big flippers and mask and snorkel. The kids thought it was great.

After the memory verse we had everyone from our team go to a different part of the tent and told the kids we wanted to pray a blessing over their lives. I really enjoying laying my hands on over 50 kids myself and blessing their lives in Jesus' name. It was a very special experience and a highlight for many.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Day 4

Today started off quite fun. Karen, Tamara and I went to visit the local hospital. Karen and Tamara are nurses so they really enjoyed the experience. It was quite different from North American hospitals. After touring the hospital we walked over to a local school in progress and saw where the kids went to school. The classrooms were over crowded and the teachers had alot of work on their hands. The ratio was about 1 teacher to 40-50 students. It was alot of fun and a really cool experience.

After lunch half of our team started to experience what we think is food poisoning, but we are not sure. They are sick at the moment and we are praying for them to feel better so they can take part more tomorrow. Karen, Tamara, Sarah, Norine, Dave, and Chad are experiencing sickness right now so keep them in your prayers.

In the afternoon we had Day 1 of VBS. We had over 500 kids show up and we started with ball tag. The kids were squeling and having alot of fun. I saw big smiles on their faces as I chased them. Chad ran the game even though he was a little sick and did a wonderful job.

After the game, I gave them a short 5 minute testimony about my life. The story was about my friend and I who went canoeing one time. He is scared of water and didn't want to go unless I knew what I was doing. I told him I was good at it and we went out. When we were far away from the land and the waves were crashing against us He got scared and said "What do we do?" I said "I don't know this is my first time in a canoe!" So basically He trusted me when he should not have. So I challenged the kids to mke sure they trust in what is Faithful and True. If you believe lies it will just hurt you in the end, but if you believe the Truth it will be a blessing for you.

After the testimony, we sang songs. The kids love dancing and actions so we sang songs with both. One of the songs the children knew in their own language and sang along as well. Dave, Amos, and Elizabeth from Strathmore did a wonderful job planning the songs and the kids really took to it. It was too bad Dave was too sick sick to take part, but his planning allowed it to run smoothly.

I then taught the lesson for the day. The theme was redemption. I taught them about the 7 redemptive names of God and what each promises when we have been redeemed. I explained that redemption means to be bought back and we did a skit to help the children visualize it. I taught them that they can receive these promises if they ask. It works like a seed, a farmer doesn't dig up the seed he has planted each and every day to see if it has grown, because that would defeat its purpose. Just like prayer, when we pray we plant a seed of life, and just like the farmer we don't have to dig it up and look for it everyday to see if it has grown. We believe it is there and it is growing. Just like the farmer has faith in nature, we have faith in the God of nature. He will perform what He has promised. I then challenge each of the kids to plant a "seed of life" into 3 people before they came back tomorrow.

We then had crafts. Sarah from the team from Strathmore had a necklce cross craft and it worked wonderfully. The kids loved it. We did not have enough crafts however as 450 were brought, and there was over 500 kids. We gave a different craft to the extras, but it was too bad because they all wanted crosses.

I ask that you pray for those tht are sick on our team. I took a break in the middle of writing this blog and both Karen and Tamara were walking about feeling a little better. We still need them to feel alot better, and the rest of the sick people to feel better as well so pray for that. Na boo lay (my own spelling for "Keep it Real" in creole)

Day 3

On Day 3 we moved alot of boxes and worked really hard on meeting some practical needs within Haiti Arise. We moved shelves, arranged medical supplies, built shelves etc. We worked hard from about 8am to 3pm.

Church was at 6 pm. It was a prayer service and each person really enjoyed it. We couldn't understand much as most of it was spoken in creole, but each person felt the Holy Spirit move and felt a connection to each other.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Day 2

Today we travelled through the tent villges here in Grand Goave and handed out hygiene packs. The kids walked with us hand in hand (a sign of friendship here in Haiti) and we prayed for the sick and some people came to know the Lord.

Tamara noted that when she was in Port au Prince she saw the poverty and it was devasting, but here in Grand Goave as she interacts with the people she sees the wealth of the country. The people's joy overshadows their grief. She can really feel the Holy Spirit while walking through the tent city.

Karen made friends today with the little 3 year old who captured her heart. He was fairly shy at first, but Karen came and played with him and gave him a ball. By the end of the day he was running up to her giving her hugs.

While hanging out with this child, Karen also attempted cutting the grass with a machete. She wasn't very good, but did better than me my first time (I started cutting down plants).

We also enjoyed the beach in the morning. It was beautiful and we had alot of fun. God Bless each one of you.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Haiti June 2010 Day 1

My basketball league in Saskatoon is doing a fundraiser for Haiti Arise on Thursday. It's called the Super Six league and I believe the website is Anyway, My first order of business once I got here was to give the captain of the basketball team here in Grand Goave, Louisito Leveille, a signed Jon Thiessen jersey, get a picture and email it back to the league, so I'm sitting here with the internet going quite slow and I figured I'd blog while I wait.

These are Tamara's thoughts so far

She said

"I felt overwhelmed by the poverty. Felt like I was in a dream. It was surreal. It was as if I was watching it on a television and not actually taking part in being here"

"The landscape of the country is absolutely gorgeous and I think it is a Hidden Treasure"

"I find the people to be extremely gentle and a joy to be around"

"I am sweating perfusely"

"I feel absolutely covered in prayer. I am shocked that I am not experiencing a major culture shock or feeling overwhelmed."

"I find myself increasing in my compassion"

The next part is Karen Chan's experience so far

At the beginning of the trip in Saskatoon she found out that her name had been written wrongly on the plane ticket as it didn't completely match her passport. She was warned she may only be able to go as far as Toronto and not be able to enter the States. We prayed for favor however and got it as we were able to go through the airports smoothly. God performed another miracle to get us all here.

Karen says

"Thanks for getting us here with your prayers."

"I couldn't even talk to people in the van in Port au Prince because I was in my own little world. I was soaking up my surroundings."

"Seeing the people here makes me love them"

The next part is Josh's experience so far

He has been serving with fervent passion as he has grabbing the luggage at every stop, and being blessing in helping wherever help is needed.

He says

"I don't have words right now to describe what I am feeling. You'd have to be here to know what I am thinking."

Back to me. After all that talking the loading has not noticeably increased on my picture. I just said a little prayer for the internet here. I think I am going to use this window and try again, while still loading the other. I dunno.

I am good, happy, and cheerful as always. Well at least most of the time. It's been good so far.

Tomorrow we are handing out hygiene packs in the tent villages. Friday, Saturday, Sunday we are having our kids VBS camp. Then next week we are having our 3 day basketball camp for the team here. God Bless you all, or in other words Bondieu Beni.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Haiti Trip June 2010

I will be blogging (as much as internet is available in Haiti) about the trip that I am going on to Haiti starting June 7th. I will be including thought from my team members Karen, Tamara, Josh, and Chad so if you are friends with them you can follow along with how things are going for each of them on this trip.

We are going to holding a 3 day VBS (Vacation Bible School) for the children. The three topics are Redemption, Sons/Daughters of the King, and Love. I am teaching the first day, Karen the second, and Tamara the third. We have three characters that are going to teach the children Bible verses. Josh is going to be "Tiny Tim" the first day, Tamara is going to be "Princess Sophia" the second day, and Chad is going to be "Scuba Steve" on the third day.

I will keep you as informed as much as possible about the trip through this blog. I will share what each person has done during the days, and what each are learning or feeling. God Bless